Thursday, December 12, 2013

My "To Remember" List

(Photo credit:

"Honor and enjoy your Creator while you're still young, 
Before the years take their toll and your vigor wanes,
Before your vision dims and the world blursAnd the winter years keep you close to the fire." 
(Ecclesiastes 12:1, The Message)

"While you're still young"---some reading this may be saying, "Too late!

In reading the remainder of Ecclesiastes 12, we get the sense that "young" is more about the mind and attitude than it is about the calendar. I know people in their 80's that are "young"--still learning, exploring, and savoring life.

Here is a powerful idea I read this morning in my Spiritual Formation Bible:

"Suppose the day comes when the power of your memory is fading. Yet placed in a prominent place where you live is a card or a nice sheet of paper (perhaps framed). On that card you wrote years before (today), you will read ten things you wanted most to remember throughout your life. What will you read on that card?"

Question: What will you read on your list?

Join the discussion by commenting one thing you will read.  I'll go first ...


  1. 1. I want to remember that God loved me enough to send Jesus to die for me.

  2. 2. I want to remember that Eva is my best friend and the love of my life.

  3. 3. I want to remember that I will always be Tova's and Zeke's "Daddy".
