Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Don't Worry ... Be Happy .... Yeah, Right!

(Video Credit:  YouTube)

"Singing cheerful songs to a person with a heavy heart is like taking someone's coat in cold weather or pouring vinegar in a wound." (Proverbs 25:20, New Living Translation)

As a singer, I have often been told that my songs have ministered powerfully to those with heavy hearts. So, what does this verse mean? (AND how does it relate to those who aren't singers?)

Try this sometime: When you see someone who is heavy-hearted, tell them, "Don't worry! Be happy!"

Did it work?

Probably not.

Many years ago, one of my mentors told me, "A true friend is someone who laughs when you laugh and cries when you cry. Beware of someone who can only do one of the other." (Thanks,
Mike Whelan)

Happy songs only bless those who are already happy. Those with heavy hearts need grace and compassion. 

"Share each other's burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:2, New Living Translation).

Whose burden can you share today?

Join in the conversation by leaving a comment.

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